Samantha Kelly

My martial art journey started in 2007 when I joined Martial Art Concepts after a trip to Thailand and was inspired by watching a martial art called Muay Thai. I started training in various disciplines of martial art and was invited to train on the prestigious  “Assistant Instructor Training program” that the academy offered, which is where my love of coaching children and watching them grow through martial art really flourished. As my martial art training developed so did my experience of working with children, I fully qualified as a Assistant Instructor then went on to the higher level training to become a qualified Certified Instructor with Martial Art Concepts.

Fast forward to today, I’m now a 3rd Dan Blackbelt Instructor, I’ve travelled and trained across the world and have extensive experience of working, coaching and training children within the academies & local schools For me there is nothing better than watching children grow in confidence and seeing their characters develop.

We developed our Kung Fu Cubs program after extensive research on the lack of physical, personal and emotional skills for pre-schoolers and from lots of parents asking if we do classes for young children to get them ready for school. Our Kung Fu Cubs classes are based on adapted martial art with a big emphasis on child development and school readiness in line with the early years foundation stage development requirements, for me the biggest reward is to watch the children engage, keep active, learn to focus and learn new skills for life!

I believe that what we do is so much more than martial art, it’s learning life skills and character education development that helps the children unlock their potential.

A lot of people think martial art is just kicking and punching but its so much more than that, its about developing confidence, focus, discipline and respect and a belief that they can achieve. With every class we teach I believe our children are growing in mind, body and character plus they have lots of FUN & REWARDS.

I love this quote-

“Child development does not mean developing a child into a person you think they should be, but helping them and giving them tools to develop into the best person they can be”
